The Day Before The Miracle
Mar 30, 2024![](
It's the day before Resurrection Sunday. I’m up early thinking about this particular day, the day before Easter, and the disciples and Christ’s followers.
Tomorrow is a day full of joy and hope, but today must have felt hopeless. Can you imagine what they were feeling? The grief, devastation, anguish, despair, defeat, hopelessness, fear. All they left everything for, everything they hoped for their entire lives - the Messiah, was dead and buried. At this point, there was no victory. At this point, their hope of being saved, the hope they had waited for their entire lives, was brutally murdered, and dead through the horror of the crucifixion. Not only did they lose their Savior, but they also lost someone they loved, befriended, honored, and walked life out with. They knew him personally and had a personal relationship with him.
Do they feel lost? Alone? Deceived? Confused? Do they feel God didn’t keep His promises? Do they doubt everything they witnessed and believe? Do they wonder how this can all work out? Is it all just too much to process and understand?
This is what they could have been feeling in their circumstances, with what they experienced and knew to be true at that moment, but they don’t yet see what God has in store ahead!
We know what the next day holds! Resurrection! Hope! Salvation! A miracle!
I listened to a song the other day by Josh Baldwin, “You Were Made For More”.
“I know who I am ‘cause I know who You are
The cross of salvation was only the start
Now I am chosen, free and forgiven
I have a future and it’s worth the living
‘Cause I wasn’t made to be tending a grave
I was called by name
Born and raised back to life again
I was made for more
So why would I make a bed in my shame
When a fountain of grace is running my way
I know I am Yours
And I was made for more”
We can hold on to the knowledge that the same God that raised Christ from the dead is the same God that can raise us from our “graves” - graves of overwhelmed, despair, anxiousness, overburden, depression, lack of clarity and direction, neglect, etc. You were made for more! God sent His only Son to endure the cross and give up His life freely – for YOU! Hold on to that miracle this weekend and don’t give up before it comes.
Happy Resurrection Weekend! Keep your eyes on Him and the hope we have that He always has a plan!